Leg­al notice 


Details in accord­ance with § 5
of TMG (Fed­er­al Tele­media Act):


Lade­man­nbo­gen 141
D – 22339 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (0)40 88 305 100
Fax: +49 (0)40 88 305 1010
Email: auto@bralo.de

Simone Bralo und Thomas Wendlandt

VAT no.:
VAT num­ber in accord­ance with §27a of Fed­er­al Value Added Tax Act:
DE 214 231 367
EORI number:

com­mer­cial register number:
dis­trict court Ham­burg DE Ger­many HRB 121925

Respons­ib­il­ity for con­tent as per § 55, Sec­tion 2, of RStV (Inter­state Broad­cast­ing Treaty):
Thomas Wend­landt, Man­aging Director(s)
Lade­man­nbo­gen 141
D – 22339 Hamburg



Liab­il­ity for content
Great care has been taken in gen­er­at­ing the con­tent of our web pages. We can­not, how­ever, accept any liab­il­ity for how cor­rect, com­plete and up-to-date the con­tent is.
As a ser­vice pro­vider, § 7 Sec­tion 1, TMG (Fed­er­al Tele­media Act) stip­u­lates that we are respons­ible for our own con­tent on these web pages in line with gen­er­al laws. Accord­ing to §§ 8 to 10 of TMG (Fed­er­al Tele­media Act), we as a ser­vice pro­vider are not oblig­ated to mon­it­or trans­mit­ted or stored third party inform­a­tion, or to research into cir­cum­stances indic­at­ing an unlaw­ful act. Oblig­a­tions to remove or inhib­it the use of inform­a­tion in line with gen­er­al laws remain unaf­fected by this. How­ever, liab­il­ity in this regard is not pos­sible until the time of know­ledge of a spe­cif­ic infringe­ment of the law. We will take down this con­tent imme­di­ately once appro­pri­ate infringe­ments come to light.

Liab­il­ity for links
Our web­site con­tains links to the extern­al web­sites of third parties, over the con­tent of which we have no con­trol. We can there­fore also provide no guar­an­tees for this third party con­tent. The respect­ive pro­viders or oper­at­ors of such sites always assume respons­ib­il­ity for the con­tent of linked sites. Linked sites were checked for poten­tial stat­utory viol­a­tions when the links were estab­lished. No unlaw­ful con­tent could be detec­ted at that time. Con­tinu­al check­ing of the con­tent of linked sites is how­ever not reas­on­able without spe­cif­ic indic­a­tions of an infringe­ment. We will take down such links imme­di­ately once infringe­ments come to light.

The con­tents and works on these pages cre­ated by the site oper­at­ors are sub­ject to Ger­man copy­right law. The duplic­a­tion, pro­cessing, dis­tri­bu­tion and any kind of util­isa­tion out­side the lim­its of copy­right law require the writ­ten con­sent of the respect­ive author or cre­at­or. Down­loads and cop­ies of these pages are only per­mit­ted for private, non-com­mer­cial use. Inso­far as the con­tent on this site was not cre­ated by the oper­at­or, the copy­rights of third parties are respec­ted. The Site also con­tains mater­i­al that is copy­righted by third parties: ©Credits/istockphoto.com, ©Credits/stockphotopro.com, ©Credits/fotolia.com, ©Credits/pixabay.com, ©Credits/unsplash.com, ©Credits/pexesl.com, ©Credits/thinkstockphotos.com, ©Credits/gettyimages.com. Should you nev­er­the­less become aware of a copy­right infringe­ment, we ask you to inform us accord­ingly. If we become aware of any infringe­ments, we will remove such con­tents immediately.

Data pri­vacy
It is gen­er­ally pos­sible to use our web­site without spe­cify­ing any per­son­al details. Whenev­er per­son­al details (such as name, address and email addresses) are col­lec­ted, it is always on a vol­un­tary basis, if pos­sible. These details are not passed on to third parties without your express per­mis­sion. We would like to point out that data trans­mis­sion over the Inter­net (such as with email com­mu­nic­a­tion) may exhib­it secur­ity loop­holes. Com­pre­hens­ive pro­tec­tion of data from access by third parties is not pos­sible. The use by third parties of con­tact details pub­lished as part of the oblig­a­tion to provide a leg­al notice to send pro­mo­tion­al and inform­a­tion mater­i­al not expressly reques­ted is hereby expressly excluded. The oper­at­ors of sites expressly reserve the right to take leg­al pro­ceed­ings in the event of unso­li­cited send­ing of pro­mo­tion­al inform­a­tion, such as with spam mails.

Source: cre­ated with the leg­al notice gen­er­at­or, sole pro­pri­et­ors, from eRecht24.