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We have been work­ing suc­cess­fully world­wide in the premi­um car sec­tor for over 35 years.
Our claim is to provide you, the cus­tom­er, wheth­er end user or deal­er col­league, with a per­fect all-round ser­vice in your search for the desired vehicle – in this respect we attach great import­ance to pro­fes­sion­al­ism, reli­ab­il­ity and trust.

With an inter­na­tion­al team and dec­ades of exper­i­ence, we can answer all enquir­ies promptly and indi­vidu­ally and guar­an­tee you a fast, com­pet­ent and suc­cess­ful transaction.

Through sales all over the world, we are famil­i­ar with a wide vari­ety of mar­kets and loc­al con­di­tions and can offer you the best ser­vice and out­stand­ing performance.


We have been work­ing suc­cess­fully world­wide in the premi­um car sec­tor for over 35 years.
Our claim is to provide you, the cus­tom­er, wheth­er end user or deal­er col­league, with a per­fect all-round ser­vice in your search for the desired vehicle – in this respect we attach great import­ance to pro­fes­sion­al­ism, reli­ab­il­ity and trust.

With an inter­na­tion­al team and dec­ades of exper­i­ence, we can answer all enquir­ies promptly and indi­vidu­ally and guar­an­tee you a fast, com­pet­ent and suc­cess­ful transaction.

Through sales all over the world, we are famil­i­ar with a wide vari­ety of mar­kets and loc­al con­di­tions and can offer you the best ser­vice and out­stand­ing performance.


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We spe­cial­ise in the brands Mer­cedes, Porsche, Range Rover, Lam­borghini, Fer­rari, Bent­ley, Rolls-Royce and the export of new vehicles. This is our daily busi­ness – bene­fit from our dec­ades of exper­i­ence and the best conditions.

We are happy to answer your ques­tions in sev­er­al lan­guages, includ­ing Ger­man, Eng­lish, Rus­si­an, Per­sian and Chinese.

Con­tact us and we will make you a per­son­al offer.


We spe­cial­ise in the brands Mer­cedes, Porsche, Range Rover, Lam­borghini, Fer­rari, Bent­ley, Rolls-Royce and the export of new vehicles. This is our daily busi­ness – bene­fit from our dec­ades of exper­i­ence and the best conditions.

We are happy to answer your ques­tions in sev­er­al lan­guages, includ­ing Ger­man, Eng­lish, Rus­si­an, Per­sian and Chinese.

Con­tact us and we will make you a per­son­al offer.
